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> Engineer

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> Pratik Patel

> I am an Electrical Engineer-turned-Software engineer. I love all aspects of technology and I am passionate about using my skills to solve a wide variety of problems. To solve problems, I draw on all my past experiences.

> From gaming I have learned to make fast and efficient decisions to gain advantage against opponents. I have also learned to develop long term strategies from playing chess.

> From studying Electrical Engineering, I have learned to use mathematics and physics to solve problems and design and design complex electrical systems.

> From my managing background I have learned to be a team player and work well with others. I have learned to lead through empathy and I never assign a task that I am not prepared to do myself.

> JavaScript

> Node.js

> React

> Python


> CSS3

> BootStrap 4

> MongoDB


> Projects

> Jeopardy Time Trial

> In this version of Jeopardy, players can pick categories and questions that have appeared on the TV show. Players have a limited amount of time to answer questions for points. Wrong answers deduct points.

JavaScript | BootStrap | HTML | CSS | JService.io | anime.js

> Not Game Stop

> An e-commerce site for gamers where they can auction their old games to other users on the site. They can also sell their controllers and systems. They can leave reviews of other sells and reviews for games.

JavaScript | Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Google OAuth


> A project management tool that is feature focused. Users can access a Kanban Board that is related to one specific feature. A project can have many features which means each project has many boards associated with it.

JavaScript | React | Node.js | Express | JWT Auth | MongDB

> Picture Me

> Built in the Django framework. Users can log on to the site and upload their favorite pictures. Users can caption their images and comment on them as well. They can view pictures of other users and comment them as well.

Python | Django | BootStrap | Postgresql | AWS S3 bucket

> Contact Me

> You can send me an email directly at :

> You can also find me on the following platforms:

> You can access my resume by clicking the link below:

> Send me an email: